Rich Aldrich, Betsy Andrus, Tony Blair, Natasha Dresner, John Katz, Mary McGurn, Scott Rote, Martin Schwartz, Barry Shapiro, Richard Stanley.
Lisanne Finston (Gould Farm), Margaret Keller (Community Access to the Arts), Janis Martinson (Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center), Maria Rundle (Flying Cloud Institute), Ilana Steinhauer (Volunteers in Medicine), Amy Taylor (Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation), Kristen Van Ginhoven (WAM Theatre), Brenda Petell (Berkshire United Way).
This Nonprofit Advisory board helps identify sector issues and priorities, as well as solutions and implementation strategies. They come together twice annually from different regions and subsectors to bring their individual and collective perspectives to the NPC. Their voices help shape the direction of the NPC’s work. Many of them now participate in a bi-monthly peer support group of Executive Directors where challenges and solutions are discussed.