
Giving Guide: Full-Color Profile




Reserve a profile to share your mission & grow your nonprofit!


This is your opportunity to share information with potential donors & volunteers about ways to get involved & support your mission. A profile includes a mission statement, photo, program description, ways to help, fast facts, a testimonial, logo, and address. Sample profile on the left.


Completed profile is due Thursday, August 1st at 5pm.  Information on how to submit your information or update a page will be emailed to you.



There are a limited number of profiles available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Full-Color Profile (9″ x 5.25″)

NPC Members $195/Not-yet-members $350 


Note that you do not need a PayPal account to process a credit card payment. Simply bypass the PayPal log-in and hit the “Pay by credit or debit card” button below. 


For more information: Giving Back: Directory of Berkshire Nonprofits & Ways to Help

SKU: N/A Category:
Additional Information
Member Type

"Profile Member", "Profile Non Member"