The idea for the Nonprofit Center evolved over a period of ten years, sprouting from founder Liana Toscanini’s involvement in many small civic and nonprofit groups. In 2016, after meetings with professionals from both the nonprofit and business worlds, a structure for the Nonprofit Center emerged. Similar to a Chamber of Commerce, the NPC serves as the clearing house for information for nonprofits and has become a vital resource for the community.
Over eight years, over two dozen programs have been launched, the most popular of which have served to bring the sector together with the community at large. These include workshops and webinars taught by local experts, the annual Berkshire Nonprofit Awards, Volunteer Fairs and a “Giving Back” guide containing a directory of over 1,000 nonprofits and details on how to help.
Supporting nonprofit leaders is our primary activity. Every day the NPC fields requests for information and referrals, making life just a little bit easier for those on the front lines of nonprofit work. Communication vehicles like a listserv, gala calendar, and quarterly newsletter help leaders stay in touch and on top of what’s going on in our vibrant sector.
In its growing advocacy role, the NPC hosts legislative Town Halls, hosts a column in the Berkshire Business Journal, authors opinion pieces, conducts research, and promotes volunteerism.
With all the ingenuity and flexibility of an entrepreneurial enterprise, the NPC was able to adapt most of its programs during the pandemic. NPC membership continues to grow with 191 nonprofit members and 50 business members.
Strategic planning confirmed the NPC needs to build its own internal capacity to meet increasing demand for services.
We’re extremely grateful for our loyal members and supporters, and look forward to evolving the organization to best serve the nonprofit sector and community-at-large.
Liana Toscanini moved to the Berkshires from New York City in 1996, and became an active volunteer, using her marketing background to help raise funds for restoration of the historic Sandisfield Arts Center building and winning a preservation award from the Commonwealth as well as placement on the National Register of Historic Places. She has edited town newsletters, chaired a local cultural council, and assisted the town of Sandisfield with park planning, a 250th town birthday celebration and history book. She was recognized as an Unsung Heroine in 2006 by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women and by Berkshire Magazine as one of the 25 most dedicated, creative & influential people of 2018, by 1Berkshire as a Trendsetter in 2018, and 2nd place in Rural Intelligence’s Reader’s Choice Awards in 2021. Liana’s passions include community building, historic restoration, zinnias and dessert.