

The Nonprofit Center provides affordable workshops and webinars on a wide range of topics such as Federal grant writing, Social Media hacks, annual appeal writing, Virtual events, Navigating Bias in the Workplace, Theories of Change, Donor Research, Strategic Planning & more. We also present a one-day Nonprofit Boot Camp and board trainings.

For a full list of events, please go to the Calendar page.


Workshop fees are generally $25 for NPC members and $35 for nonmembers. Fees are sometimes higher for more complex topics and regional speakers. We focus on local experts so that nonprofits have those resources nearby when needed. People also enjoy networking with each other in a classroom environment.


We are a nonprofit and work diligently to minimize the expenses associated with our events. Cancellations do require administrative time and attention from our small staff. For this reason we’ve established a no refund policy. If a workshop and/or class has been unexpectedly cancelled and/or postponed by the NPC, a refund or credit towards another workshop and/or class will be issued. If a registrant is unable to attend a workshop and/or class, a substitute may be sent or a credit may be issued. Credit must be used within one year of the cancellation date.



Evening Webinars and Workshops


  1. September 13 (6-8pm)   Board Training/3-part series: #1 Board Roles & Responsibilities (workshop)
  2. September 19 (6-8pm) Program Evaluation for Lean Nonprofits (webinar)
  3. September 28 (6-8pm) Board Training #2 Finance & Fundraising (webinar)
  4. October 17 (5:30-8:30pm) How to Consistently Use Social Media to Reach your Audience (workshop)
  5. October 25 (6-8pm) Board Training #3: Board Meetings & Best Practices (webinar)
  6. October 28 (1-3pm) Grant Research (workshop)
  7. November 1 (5:30-7:30pm) Grant Preparedness (webinar)
  8. November 9 (6-7:30pm) Berkshire Funding Landscape (webinar)
  9. November 10 (3-4:30pm)  Meet The Donors (workshop)
  10. November 14 (6-8pm) Introduction to Grants and Grant Writing (webinar)
  11. November 21 (6-8pm) How to Keep your Board Engaged in Resource Development All Year (webinar)
  12. December 1 (5:30-7:30pm) Telling your Nonprofit Story (workshop)
  13. December 6 (6-7:30pm) Creating Awareness of Your Organization Through PR & Outreach (webinar)


Daytime Webinars and Workshops


  1. September 15 (9:30am-12:30pm) Introduction to Theory of Change and Logic Models Session 1 of 2 (workshop)
  2. September 16 (9am-1pm) Building a Stronger Board (3-part series): #1 Fundraising & Financial Oversight (workshop)
  3. September 27  (9:30-11:30am) Logic Model Clinic Session 2 of 2 (webinar)
  4. October 7 (9-11am) Fundraising Communications Part 1 (workshop)
  5. October 14 (9:30-11:30am) Fundraising Communications Part 2 (webinar)
  6. October 21 (9:30-11:30am) Fundraising Communications Part 3 (webinar)
  7. October 24 (10am-1pm) How to Consistently Use Social Media to Reach your Audience (workshop)
  8. October 26 (9:30-11:30am) Program Evaluation for Lean Nonprofits (webinar)
  9. November 2  (9:30-11:00am)  Building a Stronger Board #2 (webinar)
  10. November 9 (9:30-11:30am) Program Evaluation for Lean Nonprofits (webinar)
  11. November 16 (10-11:30am)  Strategies for Building Relationships with Your Board of Directors (webinar)
  12. November 17 (10am-1pm) Understanding & Competing For Federal Grants (workshop)
  13. November 29 (10am-12pm) Telling Your Nonprofit Story (workshop)
  14. December 1 (10am-12pm) Creating Videos for Nonprofits (workshop)
  15. December 2  (9:30-11:00am) Building a Stronger Board #3 (webinar)
  16. December 8 (9:30-11:30am) Building Awareness for Your Organization through PR & Outreach (webinar)
  17. December 13 (10:30am -12:30pm)  Donor Cultivation (workshop)


NPC Offerings 2021


  1. Fundraising Office Hours, (Michael Buckley) Jan
  2. Donor Research Office Hours, (Roger Magnus) Feb
  3. Succession Planning webinar, (David Harris & Co.) Feb
  4. Revenue Growth & Networking, (Gail Bower) March
  5. MobileCause Demo, March
  6. Gala Roundtable, (Amy Rudnick & BCDA) March
  7. Office Hours with Berry Dunn, March
  8. MNN Regional Visit, April
  9. Staff & Board Development Office Hours, (Andrea Sholler) April
  10. Insurance Office Hours, (Toole Insurance) May
  11. 21st Century Grant Applications, (Diane Gideon Martin) May
  12. Legislative Town Halls, January & June (BUW & BTCF)
  13. Need a web site?  Town Square Media
  14. Boot Camp, Sept 23 (Ethan, Kim, Liana, Kevin)
  15. Data Hygiene, Sept 27  12:15 (Amy Chin)
  16. Fraud Prevention, Oct 26 (Kim Baker, Carol Leibinger-Healey, State officers)
  17. Selecting a Donor Management System, Oct 1 Office Hours (Amy Chin)
  18. MSA Lunch & Learn – strategic volunteer engagement (Lisl Hacker)
  19. Human Service Organization Roundtable (Jim Ayres, facilitator)


NPC Webinars 2020


  1. Federal Grants, Diane Gedeon-Martin
  2. ADA Access Now, Charles Baldwin/MCC
  3. Team & Morale Building During Challenging Times, Christine Singer
  4. Sustainability Summit Webinars
  5. Meet the Donors, Philanthropy MA
  6. Volunteers Matter, Lisl Hacker/Massachusetts Service Alliance
  7. Virtual Galas Panel Discussion, Moderated by Amy Rudnick
  8. Mobile Fundraising Platforms: Mobile Cause and Give Smart
  9. Cultural Reflexivity and IDEA, Gwendolyn VanSant/BRIDGE
  10. Workshopping the Annual Appeal, Jenni Haley
  11. Navigating Bias in the Workplace, Gwendolyn VanSant/BRIDGE
  12. Fundraising in the Time of COVID, Phil Deely
  13. Time & Attention Management, Christine Singer
  14. Stuff My Insurance Agent Never Told Me, Cross Insurance

NPC Workshops 2019


  1. The Value of Donor Research, Roger Magnus, Red Lion Inn
  2. Hootsuite, Dawn Stanyon, Hotel on North
  3. Nonprofit Bootcamp, Red Lion Inn
  4. Writing Your Case for Support, Jenni Haley, The Mount
  5. Long Term Sustainability, Thomas Philipps, BCC South County Center
  6. Getting Ready for Strategic Planning, Sarah Glatt, Red Lion Inn
  7. Writing with a Memorable Voice, Robin Catalano, Hilton Garden Inn
  8. Bias Training, Gwendolyn VanSant/BRIDGE, Hilton Garden Inn
  9. Theories of Change, Sarah Glatt, BCC South County Center
  10. Women Considering Board Service, Stephanie Lawrence, Hilton Garden Inn
  11. Appeal Writing, Jenni Haley, Hilton Garden Inn
  12. Social Media Hacks, Dawn Stanyon, MCLA Design Lab
  13. MA Service Alliance at Zion Lutheran Church
  14. Giving Tuesday Roundtable, Berkshire Athenaeum
  15. Everything DiSC, Mark Avnet, BCC South County Center
  16. Intro to Grant Research, Philanthropy MA, BCC Pittsfield
  17. Capital Projects: How to Fund Them, MassDevelopment, Hilton Garden Inn


NPC Workshops 2018


  1. Peer to Peer Fundraising, Mary McGurn at BCC
  2. The Art & Science of Leading Transformational Change, Bob Voss at MCLA
  3. Social Media Hacks, Dawn Stanyon at BCC
  4. Cyber Security, Rob Horner at BCC
  5. Telling Your Story, Hannah Van Sickle at BCC
  6. Constant Contact, Mary Vasquez Slack for BUW
  7. Excel, Jean Atwater Williams for BUW
  8. Data Visualization, Mary Nash for BUW
  9. Nonprofit Summer Boot Camp, Susan Nicholl at Red Lion
  10. Project Leadership, Bob Voss at MCLA
  11. Workshopping the Appeal Letter, Jenni Haley at Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
  12. Program Evaluation, Donahue Institute at Hotel on North
  13. Using Surveys in Program Evaluation, Mary Nash at MCLA
  14. Webinar on Tracking in kind gifts (Grantstation)
  15. Social Media Hacks, Dawn Stanyon, 1Berkshire
  16. Organizational Partnering ROUNDTABLE FORMAT, Berkshire Athenaeum
  17. Financial Competency John Gillespie at Red Lion Inn
  18. Three Winning Storytelling Strategies, Jenni Haley, MCLA


NPC Workshops 2017


  1. Building Audiences – presented at 1Berkshires Creatives Conference at MA MoCA
  2. HR for Nonprofits @ 1Berkshire, Pittsfield
  3. Tools for Leading Transformational Change, October Mountain Financial in Lee
  4. Social Media Hacks for Small Businesses & Nonprofits, BCC South County in partnership with SBCOC
  5. Planned Giving at SJP in partnership with BTCF
  6. Data Visualization, BCC South County Center
  7. Donor Management Issues, BCC South County Center
  8. Video for Nonprofits, BCC South County Center
  9. Cyber Security, BCC South County Center
  10. Getting the Word Out About your Organization, BCC South County Center
  11. IT Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting, BCC South County Center


NPC Workshops 2016


  1. HR for Nonprofits, Bill Tighe
  2. Creating Your Narrative, Anastasia Stanmeyer
  3. Bringing a Nonprofit Product to Market, Jayne Church
  4. The Use of Surveys in Evaluation, Mary Nash
  5. Grant Funding for Arts & Culture Organizations, Laurie Werner
  6. Intro to Grantwriting, Ruth Dinerman
  7. Foundations 101, Ruth Dinerman
  8. Mission Centric Finance for Nonprofits and Supporters, Arista Investment Advisors
  9. Starting an Endowment, Chuck Leach & Gary Schiff