


This directory and links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by NPC Berkshires of any of the products, services or content. Please contact service providers directly for answers to questions regarding their products and services.

Opportunity to post a listing:
Submit a Listing

If you serve nonprofits and are not listed in our directory, you can submit your FREE listing information using the form below.

Directory Listings

The Nonprofit Resource Directory features over 600 contacts in 48 categories from accounting to web design. Connecting nonprofits to the resources they need is part of the Nonprofit Center’s mission and also serves to stimulate the local business-to-nonprofit economy. This directory is one of our most popular resources!  Each year, it is mailed free to 400+ nonprofits.


Submit your directory listing and start making connections today!

Submit your Listing: