
Donate Stocks & Securities

Your gift of stocks or other securities is a meaningful way to help NPC support over 1,000 Berkshire nonprofits with dozens of capacity building programs and services.


Gifts of appreciated assets offer valuable tax advantages and are easy to make! These tax savings—both in income and capital gains taxes—make gifts of securities a popular alternative to cash.


How to Make a Stock Gift to NPC:


You can make your gift through an electronic transfer through your bank or broker. Your broker will require written instructions from you in order to initiate the transfer. Below is the account information they will need to make the transfer.


Please transfer securities directly to NPC’s account with Vanguard as follows:


DTC Number:  0062
Receiving Firm:  Vanguard
Account Title:  Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires
Account Number:  17510596
NPC Tax ID:  81-2027063


IMPORTANT: Please notify or have your broker notify NPC when you are making a stock gift by contacting Liana Toscanini, Executive Director, at liana@npcberkshires.org or 413-441-9542 so we can appropriately acknowledge your gift. (Otherwise, we don’t know who the gift is coming from.)


Mailing address:

Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires (NPC)
PO Box 388
Great Barrington, MA 01230


Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. Contributions are fully deductible to the extent permitted by law.