This is workshop 3 of 6 in our FREE April-June series hosted by GrantStation. Registrants may choose to attend the Zoom event (including Q&A) on May 1, to view a recording after May 1, or both. Register now by clicking here.
How to Secure Matching Funds
It’s always a good idea to have matching funds for your projects or programs—even if a funder doesn’t require it.
When you include matching funds, it demonstrates to funders that they are not the only one with “skin in the game.” It shows you already have support from other stakeholders.
Fortunately, with the right documentation all nonprofit organizations should be able to identify in-kind support.
During this workshop, the presenter will show you how to secure matching funds to increase your success in securing grant awards.
This session will help you:
You’ll walk away ready to build credibility with funders by demonstrating the diverse support your programs have in your community.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President of GrantStation
Program: 30 minutes of practical instruction (plus 15 minutes of Q&A Zoom version only)
Cost: FREE
Registration: Required; Please fill out the form below and click Submit. Closes 10:00 a.m. on the day of the workshop.