In June, Philanthropy MA released Giving Massachusetts 2020, the first report on institutional philanthropy in Massachusetts in over 15 years. This report provides a baseline for foundation giving; looking at data and trends in giving BY Massachusetts, TO Massachusetts, and within each county.
This program will bring nonprofits together to examine these trends and gain a deeper understanding of the institutional funding landscape in Massachusetts.
Philanthropy MA will present the report and highlight key findings. Colleagues from the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors will discuss how the data can be used, identify any surprises or gaps in funding that the report elevated, speak to what calls for action were raised by the report, and more.
The panel will be followed by breakout room discussions, where participants can join with other nonprofits from their service area to discuss the findings in the individual county snapshots.
Tuesday, August 25th from 10am – 11:30am via Zoom:
Giving Report Overview:
Jeff Poulos, CEO, Philanthropy Massachusetts
Rodney Christopher, Director, FMA
Jim Klocke, CEO, Massachusetts Nonprofit Network
Susan Musinsky, Executive Director, Social Innovation Forum
Zoom information will be sent via email in advance of the program.