One-Day Spring Boot Camp for new, young, and small nonprofits in need of a tune-up.
March 30, 2023 8am-4pm
Full day at Red Lion Inn
Breakfast and Lunch included
$195 per per person
This workshop covers the basics of nonprofit management including governance, finance,
fundraising, legal, and best practices. Aimed at directors, board members, and volunteer
leaders who want to build a solid foundation or address gaps, this day-long session is a
wonderful opportunity for staff and board to attend together.
Attendees will receive a handbook containing templates, sample descriptions, articles, and
other resources.
8:00 am – check in, networking, breakfast
8:30-9:30am GOVERNANCE: Dan Seitz
9:30-10:30am INSURANCE: Kim Baker/Toole Insurance
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-11:45am FINANCE: Liana Toscanini
11:45-12:15pm PR & OUTREACH: Liana Toscanini
12:15 – 1pm LUNCH
1-2pm LEGAL: Ethan Klepetar/Helman Shearn Arienti
2–3pm FUNDRAISING/COMMUNICATIONS: Nicole Antil/Antil Creative
3pm Stretch/Snack
3:15pm-3:45 Wrap Up/Resources/Discussion