“Creating a Comprehensive Resource Development Plan in Support of Long Term Sustainability”
This interactive workshop training session provides practical tools, insights, exercises and collective information needed to more proactively sustain existing and identify and secure new financial and non-financial resources towards supporting an organization’s critical work and long-term sustainability.
The Questions:
Are you successful in securing grants and funding through both government and non-government sources?
Are your strategic plan priorities driving resource development activities?
Do you have a comprehensive, adaptable and proactive resource development plan?
Is there a flexible cash reserve to address unforeseen revenue challenges?
Do you have an advocacy strategy in place targeting both existing and potential funder and other resource stakeholders?
Is your Board engaged and committed to raise capital?
The Challenges:
Non-profit organizations are struggling to maintain existing funding levels, as more competitive traditional sources and amounts are eliminated and decrease respectively.
This is further exasperated by customer bases and needs that are increasing simultaneously.
Some non-profits historically have experienced “mission creep” that resulted in the creation of new programs and services as more funding was available at that time.
Currently, new funding sources are more difficult to identify/secure and those that are available may be restrictive and have declining grant formulas.
Many organizations also continue to follow a more reactive and short-term strategy that focuses primarily on “seeking support for programs”. Thus, the prospects for growth and long-term sustainability are a concern.
The Opportunities:
Increasingly, there is need for a paradigm shift in the way non-profit organizations are addressing resource development, with it being more of a higher-level priority and strategy.
This high-level approach can support the development of a broader capital investment process, with longer term implications and benefits.
This more comprehensive resource development model can then be embraced more consistently and effectively by management, staff, board members, key stakeholders and customers.
The model can also align with and help drive the implementation of the organization’s strategic plan priorities, resulting in more measurable/impactful organizational outcomes and community results.
The Learning Experience:
Participants collectively share information about their resource development approaches, any models used and any successes/challenges.
The importance of a resource development paradigm shift from a program funding focus to a capital investment is shared.
Changing from a short term to long term planning model and understanding capital needs is presented.
A comprehensive definition of resource development is outlined in detail including critical elements.
Importance of aligning resource development with strategic plan priorities is presented.
A planning process including key elements is outlined to help develop a framework is shared.
Various traditional and non-traditional funding source examples are discussed, leading to the development of an inventory for both possible financial and non-financial resources.
The benefits of collective impact as an alternative resource is discussed.
A step by step process to create an inventory, as well as a performance tracking matrix is outlined.
Participants will discuss what their organizations should change and do differently to enhance existing or create new resource development strategies, as part of a more formal process and plan.
Better align strategic and resource development priorities.
Framework elements to enhance existing or create a new resource development plan and inventory.
Collectively sharing information related to challenges, opportunities and approaches.
Strengthen the network to share information ongoing and develop long term professional relationships.
About the Presenter:
Tom Phillips is a thought-leader in the industry, building on diverse knowledge, practical experience, and proven success. He is a proponent of public/private partnerships that achieve mutually beneficial outcomes and deliver positive results for your customers and the community at large.
Tom is an expert at realizing the underutilized value of existing internal and external assets to achieve an organization’s mission through effective implementation of strategic priorities. His passion, knowledge, and network, can help you and your organization raise the bar and reach your full potential through innovative organizational strategies and collaborative partnerships. His negotiation and communication skills can be leveraged to inspire your staff and your board, build new partnerships, engage external stakeholders, and help you secure new sources of revenue. Click here for a better look at Tom’s proven history of success.
April 24, 2019 1:00 pm
April 24, 2019 5:00 pm
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