Email elizabeth@npcberkshires.org to register.
For nonprofit executives contemplating retirement in 1 – 3 years
A virtual opportunity to learn and connect with other retiring nonprofit executives with support, tools, and know-how
Leaving a mission-filled life as a nonprofit executive leader is challenging, at best. To do so successfully and gracefully requires support, tools, and know-how.
Are these questions on your mind?:
Using a cohort experience, Eos Transition Partners offers Thresholds: Leaving Nonprofit Life with Grace and Curiosity – an invaluable opportunity to learn about effective practices in preparing for your leadership departure, to share with others the joys and anxieties of leaving your work, and, using tools, to assess organizational vulnerabilities and the necessary actions to leave well.
The experience includes:
Audience: Thresholds is for retiring Baby-Boomers (often part of non-profit life for many years). The expected departure is often 9 months to 3 years away.
On-line Session Dates:
Thursday, May 6
Thursday, May 20
Thursday, June 3
Thursday, June 17
Thursday, July 1
Time: 12 – 2 pm EST
The sessions are facilitated by Nancy Jackson, MSW, CTF and Doris Roach, JD, PCC.
Nancy is a transition thought leader, long experienced in guiding hundreds of executives through the process of leaving their work successfully. From 2012 to 2018, Nancy and colleagues designed and led 12 cohorts of retiring nonprofit executives (totaling about 200 executive directors) through TSNE Missionworks’ “What’s Next” program. In addition to her expertise on transition best practices, Nancy brings her certified facilitator skills and 25 years of executive-level nonprofit and government experience to this program. For 18 years she co-directed a nonprofit intermediary organization that works to inspire innovation and advance best practices in work with and adolescents.
Doris has a dynamic background as an attorney, professional certified coach and facilitator. Doris’ nonprofit consulting portfolio includes over twenty years of executive coaching, leadership development, board development, team building, and strategic planning services to organizations in community development, education, government, healthcare, housing, human services, philanthropy and social justice advocacy.
Doris’ philosophy is that her client is the star of the story. She brings to her engagements an ability to inspire trust, ask impactful questions and hear what her clients say. Doris utilizes a collaborative and customized approach by recognizing each group’s unique history and needs and bringing a commitment to open and ongoing communications. Doris’ goal is to continually learn and grow so that her consultant “tool kit” remains well-stocked and current.
Email elizabeth@npcberkshires.org to register.