I meet regularly with nonprofits and consultants, read articles every day from publications like Nonprofit Quarterly and Guidestar, participate in webinars, and stay on top of our local news. Over the last three years, we’ve collected a lot of good ideas from all of those sources.
The wish list of products and services is pretty long…peer learning cohorts, a way to share back-office work, educational opportunities with practical follow up sessions, more fundraising and governance training, a countywide volunteer match system, advanced workshops, full-day seminars, more networking by position and sub-sector, etc.
It’s been a while since we’ve surveyed nonprofits so this July, we’re implementing a Needs Assessment Survey. The questions are short and to the point, the responses are multiple-choice for the most part, and the whole thing shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes to complete.
If you are part of a local nonprofit, please take this opportunity to vote for the programs and services you most want or need. We hope to have your responses by July 19.
Thank you!
Take the survey by clicking here >>
Thank you for helping the Nonprofit Center shape the next iteration of programs for all nonprofits.
Our appreciation goes to Bob Voss and our Nonprofit Advisory Board for crafting the assessment survey.