
Talk Saves Lives


September is World Suicide Prevention Month. Please join us on Thursday, September 24th from 12-1pm for a free one hour virtual presentation from the Berkshire Coalition for Suicide Prevention to learn more about what you can do to prevent suicide.


Talk Saves Lives is an introduction to suicide prevention. This is a standardized presentation that covers the scope of this leading cause of death; what the research has found to be the warning signs and risk factors of suicide; and the strategies that prevent it. Register using the form below.


About the Presenters


Bertha Connelley is a nationally certified human resource professional, and holds a bachelor’s degree in business with a concentration in human resource management. She has worked in healthcare human resources for nearly three decades, most recently at the Austen Riggs Center, a private psychiatric hospital and residential treatment center, since 2008.  Bertha is an active community volunteer who currently serves as Berkshire Coalition for Suicide Prevention vice president, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Massachusetts Chapter board member, Fairview Hospital Auxiliary board member, and Lee Lion’s Club member. She is a past co-chair of the AFSP Berkshire County Out of the Darkness Community Walk and is aa trainer for Talk Saves Lives, SafeTALK and ASIST.


Lee Watroba holds a B.A in Psychology and is the Program and Community Outreach Manager of the Erikson Institute at the Austen Riggs Center. She is President of the Board of the Berkshire Coalition for Suicide Prevention, is a Board Member of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and sits on the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention. She is a past co-chair of the AFSP Berkshire County Out of the Darkness Community Walk, and in 2019, With Ms. Connelley, was a participant in the AFSP Overnight Walk in Boston. She is a Talk Saves Lives trainer.